S.N. | Short Form | Long Form |
01 | AAMI | American Association of Medical Instrumentation |
02 | AAMI | American Association of Medical Instrumentation |
03 | AAPS | American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists |
04 | AAS | Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy |
05 | ACPS | Advisory Committee for Pharmaceutical Science |
06 | ACTD | ASEAN Common Technical Dossier |
07 | ADE | Adverse Drug Event/ Effect |
08 | ADR | Adverse Drug Reaction |
09 | AHU | Air Handling Unit |
10 | ATDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
11 | ATSI | American lron Steel Institute |
12 | AMA | Anti-Microbial Agent |
13 | ANDA | Abbreviated New Drug Application |
14 | ANOVA | Analysis of Variation |
15 | ANVISA | Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria |
16 | APA | Aseptic Processing Area |
17 | APE | Anti-microbial Preservative Efficacy |
18 | API | Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient |
19 | APIC | Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee |
20 | APR | Annual Product Review |
21 | APQR | Annual Product Quality Review |
22 | AQL | Acceptable Quality Level |
23 | ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers Association |
24 | ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
25 | ATCC | American Type Culture Collection |
26 | ATR | Attenuated Total Reference |
27 | AZT | International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology |
28 | BAN | British Approved Name |
29 | BBB | Blood Brain Barrier |
30 | BCS | Biopharmaceutical Classification System |
31 | BDNE | Bangladesh National Formulary |
32 | BET | Bacterial Endotoxin Test |
33 | BFS | Blow-Fill-Seal |
34 | BI | Biologic Indicator |
35 | BIRDEM | Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitations in Diabetes, Endocrine, and Metabolic Disorder |
36 | BLA | Biological License Application |
37 | BMR | Batch Manufacturing Record |
38 | BMS | Building Management Systems |
39 | PNF | British National Formulary |
40 | BOD | Biological Oxygen Demand |
41 | BP | British Pharmacopoeia |
42 | BS | British Standard |
43 | BSA | Body Surface Area |
44 | BSI | British Standards Institute |
45 | BSTI | Bangladesh Standard Testing Institute |
46 | BTU | British Thermal Unit |
47 | CAPA | Corrective and Preventive Action |
48 | CAS | Chemical Abstract Service |
49 | CBC | Complete Blood Count |
50 | CBE | Changes Being Effected |
51 | CBER | Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research |
52 | CCD | Charge-Coupled Device |
53 | CCP | Critical Control Points |
54 | CCU | Critical Care Unit |
55 | CDER | Center for Drug Evaluation and Research |
56 | CDI | Continuous Electrode Ionization |
57 | CDRH | Center for Devices and Radiological Health |
58 | CDS | Chromatography Data System |
59 | CEN | European Committee for Standardization |
60 | CFC | Chloro-fluoro-carbon |
61 | CFM | Cubic Foot Per Minute |
62 | CFP | Criteria for Forward Processing |
63 | CFR | Code of Federal Regulation |
64 | CFU | Colony Forming Units |
65 | cGAMP | Current Good Automated Manufacturing Practice |
66 | cGMP | Current Good Microbiological Practice |
67 | cGMP | Current Good Manufacturing Practice |
68 | CHD | Coronary Heart Disease |
69 | CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
70 | CHO | Chinese Hamster Ovary |
71 | CIP | Clean-In-Place/ Process |
72 | CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
73 | CIs: | Configuration Items |
74 | CMO: | Contract Manufacturing Organizational |
75 | CNS: | Central Nervous System |
76 | COA: | Certificate of Analysis |
77 | COC: | Cyclo-Olefin Copolymer |
78 | COD: | Chemical Oxygen Demand |
79 | CAPA | Corrective and Preventive Action |
80 | CAS | Chemical Abstract Service |
81 | CBC | Complete Blood Count |
82 | CBE | Changes Being Effected |
83 | CBER | Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research |
84 | CCD | Charge-Coupled Device |
85 | CCP | Critical Control Points |
86 | CCU | Critical Care Unit |
87 | CDER | Center for Drug Evaluation and Research |
88 | CDRH | Center for Devices and Radiological Health |
89 | CDS | Chromatography Data System |
190 | CEN | European Committee for Standardization |
91 | CFC | Chloro-fluoro-carbon |
92 | CFM | Cubic Foot Per Minute |
93 | CFP | Criteria for Forward Processing |
94 | CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
94 | CHO | Chinese Hamster Ovary |
95 | CIP | Clean-In-Place/ Process |
96 | CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
97 | CIs | Configuration Items |
98 | CMO | Contract Manufacturing Organizational |
99 | CNS | Central Nervous System |
100 | COA | Certificate of Analysis |
101 | COC | Cyclo-Olefin Copolymer |
102 | COD | Chemical Oxygen Demand |
104 | COO | Certificate of Origin Pharmaceutic |
105 | COPP | Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product |
106 | COS | Certificate of Standards |
107 | COX | Cyclo- oxygenase |
108 | CPD | Continuing Professional Development |
109 | CPD | Cumulative Population Doubling |
110 | CPG | Compliance Policy Guide |
111 | CPK | Capability Index for Process Average |
112 | PC | Process Capability |
113 | CHMP | Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products |
114 | CPP | Critical Process Parameter |
115 | CPS | Centipoise Per Second |
116 | COA | Critical Quality Attribute |
117 | CRM | Customer Relationship Management |
118 | CRS | Chemical Reference Substance |
119 | CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
120 | CS | Comparative Study |
121 | CSQMP | Computer System Qualification Master Plan |
122 | CSV | Computer System Validation |
123 | CTD | Common Technical Document |
124 | CTM | Clinical Trial Material |
125 | CTQS | Critical to Quality Attributes |
126 | CV | Coefficient of Variation |
127 | CVM | Center for Veterinary Medicine |
128 | CVMP | Committee for Veterinary Medical Products |
129 | DCS | Distributed Control System |
130 | DEHP | Dynamic Environmental Conditioning Di-2-ethylhexyl-phthalate |
131 | DESI | Drug Efficacy Study Implementation |
132 | DHFR | Dihydrofolate Reductase |
133 | DHR | Development History Report |
134 | DHSS | Department of Health and Social Security |
135 | DI | Direct Impact |
136 | DIN | German Institute of Standardization |
137 | DIP | Dry Powder |
138 | DME | Drug Master File |
139 | DNA | De-oxy Ribonucleic Acid |
140 | DO | Dissolved Oxygen Concentration |
141 | DOE | Design of Experiment |
142 | DOP | Dioctyl Phthalate / Dispersed Oil Particulate |
143 | DQ | Design Qualification |
144 | DS | Design Specification |
145 | DTL | Drug Testing Laboratory |
146 | DUT | Device Under Test |
147 | DVM | Digital Volt Meter |
148 | EC | European Community/Commission |
149 | ECG | Electro Cardiogram |
150 | ECSs | Environmental Control Systems |
151 | EDTA | Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid |
152 | EEC | European Economic Community |
153 | EFPIA | European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries’ Associations |
154 | EFTA | European Free Trade Association |
155 | ELA | Establishment License Application |
156 | ELISA | Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay |
157 | ELN | Electronic Laboratory Notebook |
158 | EM | Electron Microscope |
159 | EMA | European Medicinal Agency |
160 | EMEA | European Medicines Evaluation Agency |
161 | EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
162 | EMS | Environmental Monitoring System |
163 | EMS | Environmental Management System |
164 | EOP | End-of-Production |
165 | EP | European Pharmacopoeia |
166 | EPA | Environmental Protection Act/Agency |
167 | EPR | Electron Paramagnetic Resonance |
168 | EQ | Equipment Qualification |
169 | ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
170 | FSC | Free Sales Certificate |
171 | ESR | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate |
172 | ETO | Ethylene Oxide |
173 | ETP | Effluent Treatment Plant |
174 | EU | European Union |
175 | FAT | Factory Acceptance Test |
176 | FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
177 | FDIS | Final Draft International Standard |
178 | FEFO | First Expired, First Out |
179 | FEQ | Facility and Equipment Qualification |
180 | FIFO | First in First Out |
181 | FIT | Filter Integrity Test |
182 | FMEA | Failure Mode and Effects Analysis |
183 | FMECA | Failure Modes Effect and Criticality Analysis |
184 | FOI | Freedom of Information Act |
185 | FTA | Fault Tree Analysis |
186 | FTIR | Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometry |
187 | FTM | Fluid Thioglycollate Medium |
188 | FTNIR | Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy |
189 | GC | Gas Chromatography |
190 | GABA | Gamma Amino Butyric Acid |
191 | GAMP | Good Automated Manufacturing Practice |
192 | CAT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
193 | GCLP | Good Control Laboratory Practice |
194 | GCP | Good Clinical Practice |
195 | GDP | Good Distribution/ Documentation Practice |
196 | GEP | Good Engineering Practice |
197 | GHP | Good Hygiene Practice |
198 | GLP | Good Laboratory Practice |
199 | GMIP | Good Microbiological Practice |
200 | GMP | Good Manufacturing Practice |
201 | GPS | Global Positioning System |
202 | GỌS | Global Quality Standards |
203 | GRAS | Generally Recognized as Safe |
204 | GRN | Goods Received Note |
205 | GRP | Good Regulatory Practice |
206 | GxP | Good Practices (Manufacturing practice and Laboratory practice) |
207 | HAART | Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy |
208 | HACCP | Hazard Analysis on Critical Control Point |
209 | HAP | HAP: Hamster Antibody Production |
210 | HHASSASSA | Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudication Act |
211 | HAZOP | Hazard Operability Analysis |
212 | HBV | Hepatitis B Virus |
213 | HDPE | High-Density Polyethylene |
214 | HCP | Host Cell Proteins |
215 | HEPA | High-Efficiency Particulate Air |
216 | HIC | Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography |
217 | HIMA | Health Industry Manufacturers Association |
218 | HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
219 | HPLC | High Performance (Pressure) Liquid Chromatography |
220 | HMI | Human-Machine Interface |
221 | HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
222 | HTST | High Temperature-Short Time |
223 | I/0 | Input/output |
224 | IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
225 | IBS | Irritable Bowel Syndrome |
226 | ICDDRB | International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research Bangladesh |
227 | ICH | International Conference on Harmonization |
228 | ICS | Integrated Circuit Devices |
229 | ICU | Intensive Care Unit |
230 | EC | Ion Exchange Liquid Chromatography |
231 | IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
232 | ARA IES | Institute of Environmental Science |
233 | IFPMA | International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association |
234 | IBD | International Business Development |
235 | IND | Investigation New Drug |
236 | INN | International Non Proprietarily Name |
237 | IOQ | Installation and Operation Qualification |
238 | IP | Indicative Price |
239 | IPA | Isopropyl Alcohol |
240 | IPP | Independent Process Parameter |
241 | IPQC | In-process Quality Control |
242 | IPT | International Press Tooling |
243 | IQ | Installation Qualification |
244 | IQP | Installation Qualification Plan/Protocol |
245 | IR | Infra-Red |
246 | ASO | International Organization for Standardization |
247 | ISPE | International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering |
248 | IT | Information Technology |
249 | IU | International Units |
250 | IUD | Intrauterine Device |
251 | IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
252 | JIT | Just-in-Time |
253 | JP | Japanese Pharmacopoeia |
254 | JPMA | Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association |
255 | JUSE | Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers |
256 | KDA | Koeria Food and Drug Administrations |
257 | LAF | Laminar Air Flow |
258 | LAL | Limulus Amebocyte Lysate) |
259 | LC | Liquid Chromatography |
260 | LCL | Lower Control Limit |
261 | LDPE | Low Density Polyethylene |
262 | LIF | Light- -Induced Fluorescence |
263 | LIFO | Last in First Out |
264 | LIMS | Laboratory Information Management System |
265 | LLOQ | Lower Limit of Quantification |
266 | LOD | Loss on Dry |
267 | LPS | Lipopolysaccharide |
268 | LSL | Lower Specification Limit |
269 | LTSF | Low- Temperature Steam and Formable |
270 | LVP | Large Volume Parenteral |
271 | TAC | Maximum Allowable Contamination |
272 | MACO | Maximum Allowable Carryover |
273 | MAD | MAD: Mutual Acceptance of Data |
274 | MAP | Mouse Antibody Production |
275 | MAS | Microbiological Air Sampler |
276 | MC | Moisture Content |
277 | MCA | Medicine Control Agency |
278 | MCB | Master Cell Bank |
279 | MCC | Medicine Control Council |
280 | MDI | Metered Dose Inhalers |
281 | MEF | Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast |
282 | MES | Manufacturing Execution System |
283 | MFG | Manufacturing |
284 | MHDH | Material Handling Data Sheet |
285 | IHLW | Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare |
286 | MRA | Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency |
287 | MHW | Ministry of Health and Welfare |
288 | MIC | Minimum Inhibitory Concentration |
289 | MIMS | Monthly Index of Medical Specialities |
290 | MLR | Multiple Linear Regressions |
291 | MLM | Materials logistics management |
292 | MMI | Man-Machine Interface |
293 | MMV | Murine Minute Virus |
294 | MNC | Multinational Company/Multinational Corporation |
295 | MOA | Method of Analysis |
296 | MOC | Material of Construction |
297 | MOS | Maintenance of Sterility |
298 | PS | Most-Penetrating Particle |
299 | MRP | Material Requirements Planning |
300 | MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
301 | MRL | Maximum Residue Limit |
302 | MRP | Maximum Retail Price |
303 | MS | Mass Spectrometry |
304 | MS&T | Manufacturing Science and Technology |
305 | MSC | Minimal Sporicidal Concentration |
306 | MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet |
307 | MVP | Master Validation Plan |
308 | MW | Molecular Weight |
309 | NAFTA | North American Free Trade Area |
310 | NaOH | Sodium Hydroxide |
311 | NCE | New Chemical Entity /Non-Conforming Event |
312 | NCR | Non-Conforming Report |
313 | NDA | New Drug Application |
314 | NDC | National Drug Code |
315 | NDIR | Non-Dispersive Infrared |
316 | NF | National Formulary |
317 | NGT | Nominal Group Technique |
318 | NIR | Near Infrared |
319 | NIOSH | National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health |
320 | NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
321 | NLT | Not Less Than |
322 | NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
323 | NMT | Not More Than |
324 | NMWCO | Nominal Molecular Weight |
325 | NPD | New Product Development |
326 | NPDWR | National Primary Drinking Water Regulation |
327 | NOAEL | No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level |
328 | NOEL | No Observed Effect Level |
329 | NP | Nonperishable |
330 | NSAID | Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug |
331 | NTE | Not to Exceed |
332 | OCDDS | Osmotically Controlled Drug Delivery System |
333 | OMS | Order Management System |
334 | QMS | Quality Management System |
335 | O0S | Out-of-Specification |
336 | OPCs | Optical Particle Counters |
337 | OPPI | Organization of Pharmaceutical Producers |
338 | OPT | Osmotic Pump Tablet |
339 | OQ | Operational Qualification |
340 | OQP | Operational Qualification Plan |
341 | ORP | Oxidation- -Reduction Potential |
342 | ORS | Oral Rehydration Salts/ Saline |
343 | OS | Operating System |
344 | OSD | Oral Solid Dosage |
345 | OSHA | Occupational Health and Safety Act |
346 | OST | Oxidizable Substances Test |
347 | OTC | Over the Counter |
348 | OVI | Organic Volatile Impurity test |
349 | o/W | Oil in Water |
350 | P&D | Penetration and Distribution |
351 | PABA | Para-Amino benzoic Acid |
352 | PAG | Polyacrylamide Gel |
353 | PAGE | Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis |
354 | PAI | Preapproval Inspection |
355 | PAO | Poly-Alpha Olefin |
356 | PAT | Process Analytical Technology |
357 | PBS | Phosphate-Buffered Saline |
358 | PC | Personal Computer |
359 | PCA | Principal Components Analysis |
360 | PCR | Polymerase Chain Reaction |
361 | PCTFE | Poly Chloro Trifluro Ethylene |
362 | PDA | Parenteral Drug Association |
363 | PDV | Positive Displacement Volumetric |
364 | PDR | Physician’s Desk Reference |
365 | PEG | Polyethylene Glycol |
366 | PEL | Permissible Exposure Limits |
367 | PERT | Product-Enhanced Reverse Transcript |
368 | PET | Polyethylene Terephthalate |
369 | PFD | Process Flow Document |
370 | PFI | Pharmaceutical Formulation Intermediate |
371 | PFSB | Pharmaceutical and Food Safety |
372 | PRM | Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturer |
373 | PIC/S | Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme |
374 | PID | Piping and Instrument Diagram |
375 | PLC | Programmable Logic Control |
376 | PLM | Product Life- -Cycle Management |
377 | PMA | Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association |
378 | PMDA | Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency |
379 | PMDI | Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler |
380 | PMS | Premenstrual syndrome |
381 | PP | Polypropylene |
382 | POS | Pharmaceutical Quality System |
383 | PPM | Parts Per Million |
384 | PQ | Performance Qualification / Process Qualification |
385 | PQA | Preferred Quality Attributes |
386 | PQP | Performance Qualification Plan/ Protocol |
387 | PQPS | Program on Quality Problem Solving |
388 | PQRI | Product Quality Research Institute |
389 | PRD | Product Requirements Document |
390 | PSDS | Product Safety Data Sheet |
391 | PSLR | Predicted Spore Logarithmic Reduction |
392 | PTFE | Poly-Tetra-Fluoro-Ethylene |
393 | PTS | Packaging Technical Sheet |
394 | PUD | Peptic Ulcer Diseases |
395 | PV | Process Validation |
396 | PVDC | Polyvinylidene Chloride |
397 | PVDF | Polyvinylidene Fluoride |
398 | PVC | Polyvinyl chloride |
399 | PVP | Process Validation Package |
400 | QA | Quality Assurance |
401 | QC | Quality Control |
402 | QIMP | Quick Index of Medical Products and Problem |
403 | QMS | Quality Management System |
404 | QP | Qualified Person |
405 | QRM | Quick Response Manufacturing |
406 | QSIT | Quality Systems Inspection Technique |
407 | QU | Quality Unit |
408 | QWP | Quality Working Party |
409 | RCM | Requirements Chain Management |
410 | R & D | Research and Development |
411 | R/S | Requirements and Specifications |
412 | RABS | Restricted Access Barrier System |
413 | RBC | Red Blood Cell |
414 | RCS | Reuter Centrifugal Sample |
415 | RF | Radio Frequency |
416 | RFI | Radio Frequency Interference |
417 | RFLP | Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism |
418 | RFP | Request for Proposal |
419 | RH | Relative Humidity |
420 | RID | Radial Immunodiffusion |
421 | RL | Risk Level |
422 | RMS | Root Mean Square |
423 | RO | Reverse Osmosis |
424 | ROPP | Roll-on-Pilfer Proof |
425 | RPM | Rotation per Minute |
426 | RS | Reference Standards |
427 | RTD | Resistance Temperature Detector |
428 | RTM | Requirements Traceability Matrix |
429 | RTP | Rapid Transport Port |
430 | Rx | Take Though |
431 | SAARC | South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation |
432 | SAFMA | South Asian Free Media Association |
433 | SAL | Sterility Assurance Level |
434 | SAPTA | South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement |
435 | SAS | Surface Air System |
436 | SAT | Site Acceptance Test |
437 | SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system |
438 | SF | Safety Factor |
439 | SIM | Subscriber Identification Module |
440 | SIP | Steam-In-Place/ Sterilization In-Place |
441 | SISPQ | Strength, Identity, Safety, Purity or Quality |
442 | SDLC | System Development Life Cycle |
443 | SDS | System Design Specification |
444 | SMS | Short Message Service |
445 | SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
446 | SPC | Statistical Process Control |
447 | SPM | Strokes per Minute |
448 | SPVP | Sterile Process Validation Package |
449 | SSS | Sick Sinus Syndrome |
450 | STD | Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
451 | STEL | Short-Time-Exposure-Limit |
452 | SUPAC | Scale Up and Post Approval Changes |
453 | DOLPA | Super Ultra Low Penetrate Air |
454 | SVP | Small Volume Parenteral |
455 | TAMC | Total Aerobic Microbial Count |
456 | TC | Thermocouple |
457 | TCA | 1 Transaction Cost Analysis |
458 | TDS: | Total Dissolved Solids |
459 | TGA | Therapeutic Goods Administration |
460 | THM | Trihalomnethanes |
461 | TM | Trace Matrix |
462 | TOC | Total Oxidizable Carbon |
463 | TPD | Therapeutic Product Directorate |
464 | TPM | Turret Per Minute |
465 | TPN | Total Parenteral Nutrition |
466 | TQM | Total Quality Management |
467 | TR | Retention Time / Technical Report |
468 | TRIPS | Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights |
469 | TS | Tensile Strength |
470 | TSS | Total Suspended Solids |
471 | TYMC | Total Yeasts and Moulds Count |
472 | UAD | Unidirectional Airflow Devices |
473 | UAT | User Acceptance Testing |
474 | UCL | Upper Control Limit |
475 | UDAF | Unidirectional Air flow |
476 | UF | Ultra-filtration |
477 | UFRS | User Functional Requirements Specification |
478 | UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
479 | ULPA | Ultra Low Penetrate Air |
480 | UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
481 | UNESCO | United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization |
482 | UNICEF | United Nations International Children Emergency Fund |
483 | UPS | Uninterrupted Power System |
484 | URS | User Requirements Specification |
485 | USAN | United States Approved Names |
486 | USP | United State Pharmacopoeia |
487 | UV | Ultraviolet |
488 | V/V | Volume-by-Volume |
489 | VIRUS | Vital Information Research Under Seize |
490 | VMP | Validation Master Plan |
491 | VOC | Volatile Organic Carbons |
492 | W/O | Water in Oil |
493 | W/V | Weight by Volume |
494 | WBC | White Blood Cel1 |
495 | WCB | Working Cell Banks |
496 | WFI | Water for Injection |
497 | WHO | World Health Organization |
498 | WIP | Work in Progress/ Process |
499 | WMS | Welfare Management System |
500 | XE | Xenon |
501 | YTS | Yearly Training Schedule |